Hepar sulphur in the treatment of acute alveolar abscess

Belkis Diaz Navarro, Amarilis Suárez Ávalos, Lucio Ramón González García, Lisette Ortega Romero


A pre-experimental intervention study was performed with 30 patients assisted at the emergency unit of “Juan B. Contreras Fowler” University Teaching Hospital at Ranchuelo, Villa Clara province, Cuba, between September 2010 and March 2011 with diagnosis of acute alveolar abscess in order to assess the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in the acute phase of this affection. After diagnosis was established, Hepar sulphur 6cH was prescribed and the investigated variables were assessed by means of structured interview. The effectiveness of the homeopathic treatment was assessed on the grounds of the presence of pain after 72 hours. Statistical analysis employed frequency as summary measure and Chi-square test to assess association between the investigated variables with significance level p < 0.05. Homeopathic treatment was effective in 80% of patients and partially effective in 20%; most patients declared to be satisfied with treatment. It is concluded that Hepar sulphur in acute alveolar abscess was useful, effective and innocuous.

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Direitos autorais 2015 Belkis Diaz Navarro, Amarilis Suárez Ávalos, Lucio Ramón González García, Lisette Ortega Romero

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ISSN: 2175-3105