“Homeopathic studies”: 20 years of publications in Revista de Homeopatia, São Paulo Medical Homeopathic Association

Marcus Zulian Teixeira


Founded in 1936 to divulgate studies on homeopathy and related fields, Revista de Homeopatia, edited by the São Paulo Medical Homeopathic Association, is one of the oldest homeopathic scientific publications in the world, and is currently included in several databases and digital libraries. Initially published in printed format, starting 2008 it became an open-access electronic journal “to facilitate the access to this field of medical-scientific studies”. Based on that same ideal, I recently made a collection of articles published in this journal, as well as in Revista de Homeopatia, edited by the Brazilian Medical Homeopathic Association, available online. To facilitate the initial immersion in the wide-scoped content of these “Homeopathic studies, in this article I present a synthesis of the results and conclusions of articles published over 20 years, with some additional reflections on the relevance of those publications for my clinical practice, as well as for the elaboration of other varieties of scientific productions.


Homeopatia; Trabalhos de coleção; Artigo clássico; Comentário

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Direitos autorais 2015 Marcus Zulian Teixeira

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ISSN: 2175-3105