Schizotypal personality disorder and homeopathy: case report

Navneet Bidani


Personality disorders are a group of conditions characterized by an inability to get on with other people and learn from experience. People with a personality disorder may find that their beliefs and attitudes are different from those of most other people. Others may find their behavior unusual, unexpected or perhaps offensive. In this paper, we discuss a case of a 42- year-old man with schizotypal personality disorder with typical delusions of being abused and persecuted and subsequent formication. With a properly selected homoeopathic medicine the patient experienced symptom improvement in self-confidence, somatic complaints, stress and worry, anxiety, and delusions, suggesting that homoeopathy is quite useful in the treatment of such personality disorders.


Personality disorders; Cluster A personality disorders; Homeopathy; Constitutional treatment; Case report

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Direitos autorais 2016 Navneet Bidani

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ISSN: 2175-3105