Evidence for the homeopathic principles in the basic sciences

Paolo Bellavite


As any other medical field, homeopathy is both art and science. Clinical research seeks to answer the questions on “whether” and “when” homeopathic medicines are able to restore health. In turn, the fundamental sciences—biology, immunology, pathology, chemistry, physics and pharmacology—generate plausible hypothesis to explain “how” serially diluted and agitated medicines (SDAM) act in rigorous experimental models. The pharmacodynamic action of SDAM depends on the supply of subtle information input to specific body targets in order to restore a pattern of behavior closer to optimal health. Some mechanisms of action of SDAM might be identified in laboratory studies. The therapeutic similarity principle might be observed in hormesis models, according to Arndt-Schutz’s law, in which effect inversion is obtain through changes of dose. Wilder-like models compared stressed and healthy subjects. However, hormesis uses drugs in small doses, while homeopathy uses medicines diluted beyond the scope of matter, which in addition must be agitated. In the present article I paid special attention to the basophil degranulation, as in 2018 it completes its 30th anniversary. I also summarized the results of our work at University of Verona, Italy.


Homeopathy; Fundamental research; Evidence; Plausibility

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Direitos autorais 2018 Paolo Bellavite

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ISSN: 2175-3105