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Diretrizes para Autores

Journal of Homeopathy (HR) consider contributions to the assessment provided they are unique, it is not published in any other vehicle and have not been submitted for consideration elsewhere. May be considered for assessing contributions derived from the same presentation in scientific meetings that have been included in the annals; the (s) author (s) must explicitly state this. that resulted from original empirical, experimental or conceptual research; 2- Review articles: critical analysis of the literature, complete and updated in any topic related to homeopathic field; 3 Articles Update: dealing on relevant issues in the homeopathic field that do not contain original research or exhaustive review of the literature; 4- Short Communications: preliminary reports of ongoing research; 5- Case reports: report of one or more clinical cases aimed exclusively discussing some aspect theoretical or practical that can contribute to aa theoretical understanding / homeopathic clinical management; 6- Dissertation Abstracts: structured abstract reporting the main results of an academic dissertation; 7 Review of Books: texts, free of advertising, presenting a critical analysis of books on research in AD and related fields; 8 Letters to the Editor: we briefly discuss articles published in HR; 9 ads : Information about scientific meetings or otras relevant news to the homeopathic field.

HR follows the guidelines suggested by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE); it is recommended to consult them ( ). The complete process of assessment and correspondence between author (s) and HR is exclusively conducted online through the HR website. Registration is required as "Author" to start the process. All stages of the process can be followed through the HR website. All authors must register at the HR website, informing all the requested data. The match will be held exclusively with a "corresponding author" named by the authors in the initial submission of the article.
The material must be sent in Portuguese, with abstract in English; the author (s) (s) is (are) are responsible for grammar texts. RH uses only MSWord, version 2007 or earlier.

1. COVER SHEET: containing a) Title : Self-explanatory, representing precisely the content of the work; 2) Author (s): service name; last professional / academic degree; institution; e-mail;homeopage; curriculum vitae minimum; the list of authors should be in the order in which they will be cited; 3) corresponding author ; 4) Summary : structured, where relevant (Bases / context; Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusions); when the structure does not apply, the abstract should contain the equivalent items; the abstract should be 150-250 words; 5)Keywords : 3-5 words that facilitate the location of the item in databases, according MeSh ( ); MeSH ( HTTP:// ) or Homeopathic Thesaurus-ECH ( ); 6) Disclosure (or not) of interest ; 7) Statement of financial aid (or absence).
2. MAIN TEXT : Title; Summary; Keywords; Text; References; Acknowledgments (optional); List of charts and tables subtitles.
Text : . No footnotes will be accepted abbreviations should be defined in the text the first mention. The botanical nomenclature and zoological rules must be observed as well as conventions adopted by specific disciplines. Several terms in the homeopathic field are controversial: it is suggested to use "dilution" instead of "dynamic" or "power"; "HDs";"Dilution and agitation", etc. Homeopathic medicines : in italics; binomial system;Abbreviations may be used from the second mention in the text. The dilutions should be described in full Arabic numbers, followed by the scale / preparation method, as follows: decimal (x), proximate (c) fifty milesimal (lm), korsakoviana (K), continuous flow (CF), Hahnemann (H). The preparation process should be explicitly established by official pharmacopoeia of expression used / full description. Research involving human beings : the publication of the article depends on observing the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki ( b3.htm ) and the legislation in force in the country where the research was conducted; the article should contain an explicit statement of approval by the Ethics Committee of the home institution. Research involving animals : should include explicit statement that have been implemented in national legislation and ethical standards of the institution for the care and use of laboratory animals. Clinical trials; should include CONSORT flowchart ( ) and the Red-Hot checklist ( ); clinical trials should be registered. Case reports and pathogenetic trials : should include RedHot checklist.
References : should be limited to the minimum necessary; only quotes in the text will be included. References should be in accordance with scientific standards and be updated. All references must be complete and correct; the authors are responsible for their accuracy and quality. References should be numbered consecutively according to the order of citation in the text. Will be identified with Arabic numbers in brackets. References cited only in tables or graphs will receive the following paragraph to the last citation. HR adopts default Vancouver scientific citation; is recommended
Examples :
Article printed :
Varricchio MCBN, Pereira C, F Sales, Gomes T, Daudt And Aquino CL, GM Barbosa, Gomes N, Pyrrho AS, Hobaica PEM, White MC, Kuster R, Holandino C. Chronic toxicological effects of high diluted solutions of Aveloz ( Euphorbia tirucalli L.) on healthy mice: a preliminary study.Int J High Dilution Res 2008;. 7 (25): 174-178.
Online article:
Varricchio MCBN, Pereira C, F Sales, Gomes T, Daudt And Aquino CL, GM Barbosa, Gomes N, Pyrrho AS, Hobaica PEM, White MC, Kuster R, Holandino C. Chronic toxicological effects of high diluted solutions of Aveloz ( Euphorbia tirucalli L.) on healthy mice: a preliminary study. J Int High Res Dilution [serial online]. 2008 [cited 2009 Feb 10]; 7 (25): in 174-178.Disponível:
Printed book: Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002.
Book online: Patrias, K. Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers [online book]. 2nd ed. Wendling, DL, technical editor. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007 [updated 2009 Jan 14; cited 2009 Jan 28] .Disponível of:
Chapter in book: Betti L, Trebbi G, Nani D, Majewsky V, Scherr C, Jäger T, Baumgartner S. Models with plants, microorganisms and viruses is basic research in homeopathy. In: Bonamin LV, editor. Signals and images: contributions and contradictions about high dilution research. New York (USA): Springer; 2008. p. 97-112.
3. CHARTS AND TABLES : each graph and table must be sent in a separate file (supplementary file) in Step 4 of the Shipping process, each named as mentioned in graphs and tables list (Figure 2; Table 1; etc.) Images Scanned must comply with the following: resolution 400dpi in size, saved in JPG.

1. Choose Section; Checklist for Authors; Compliance with copyright; Comments to the Editor (for the article is relevant and what is its potential contribution).
2. Fill in the fields of metadata for each author.
3. Article Upload: corresponds to the "Main Text" (above); sure to be masked.
4. Additional Materials: Cover Sheet; Graphs and tables.
5. Confirm the shipment.


Condições para submissão

Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.

  1. A contribuição é preferencialmente original e inédita, caso tenha sido publicada em partes, e informar se está ou não sendo avaliada simultaneamente para publicação em outra revista; casos especiais, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".
  2. Os arquivos para submissão estão em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF (desde que não ultrapassem 4MB)
  3. URLs para as referências foram informadas quando necessário.
  4. O texto está em espaço 1,5; tamanho da fonte 12-pontos; tipo de fonte Times New Roman. Quando necessário empregar itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento, como anexos.
  5. O texto deve seguir preferencialmente os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na seção Sobre a Revista.
  6. Sempre a critério do Editor e/ou do Comitê de Redação a identificação de autoria do trabalho pode ser removida do arquivo para fins de avaliação, garantindo desta forma o critério de sigilo, caso o artigo seja submetido para avaliação por pares (ex.: artigos), conforme instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a Avaliação por Pares. Por decisão do Editor ou do Comitê de Redação, os artigos podem ou não ser submetidos a pareceristas externos convidados.
  7. Artigos acadêmicos advindos de teses de mestrado e doutorado stricto sensu devem vir com as devidas especificações de datas e resultados da defesa.
  8. A revista terá três seções fixas: Teses, Revisão Bibliográfica e Textos Canônicos e Históricos.

Declaração de Direito Autoral

Autores que publicam nesta revista concordam com os seguintes termos:

  1. Autores mantém os direitos autorais e concedem à revista o direito de primeira publicação, com o trabalho simultaneamente licenciado sob a Licença Creative Commons Attribution CC BY que permite o compartilhamento do trabalho com reconhecimento da autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista.
  2. Autores têm autorização para assumir contratos adicionais separadamente, para distribuição não-exclusiva da versão do trabalho publicada nesta revista (ex.: publicar em repositório institucional ou como capítulo de livro), com reconhecimento de autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista.
  3. Autores têm permissão e são estimulados a publicar e distribuir seu trabalho online (ex.: em repositórios institucionais ou na sua página pessoal) a qualquer ponto antes ou durante o processo editorial, já que isso pode gerar alterações produtivas, bem como aumentar o impacto e a citação do trabalho publicado


Política de Privacidade

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.