Certificate of quality for homeopathic matrixes

Amarilys de Toledo Cesar, Virgínia Tereza Cegalla


Homeopathic medicines are manipulated in pharmacies, which need raw materials,

mother-tinctures or low potencies called matrixes, which are bought from homeopathic

pharmaceutical laboratories, namely small companies for which there is no specific

legislation. The raw materials for conventional manipulation are given Analysis

Certificates. Since potentiated matrixes may not be analyzed, a different term must be

developed indicating the maximum of information on the acquired product. After

analyzing the document supplied by national and European laboratories, this article

suggests a Certificate of Quality containing the essential information to warrant the

sourcing and quality of the matrixes a pharmacy acquires to fill homeopathic


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Direitos autorais 2015 Amarilys de Toledo Cesar, Virgínia Tereza Cegalla

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ISSN: 2175-3105