Can complex arrhythmia be treated with homeopathy? Case report

Rosana M.C. Nechar, Antonio Nechar Jr


We report a case of complex arrhythmia involving a child treated at the outpatient clinic of Specialization Course in Homeopathy of Londrina (CEHL), Parana, Brazil. The patient was referred by his cardiologist due to poor response to conventional treatment. The patient was followed up by a multiprofesional staff, including clinical examination and 24-hour Holter monitoring. The prognosis of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia in the absence of heart injury is usually good, with incidence of spontaneous remission of 56%. However, this case was a cause for surprise to the attending cardiologists due to rapid favorable progression following administration of adjuvant homeopathic treatment, which allowed discontinuing the conventional medication.   


Homeopathy; Ventricular tachycardia; Heart disease

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Direitos autorais 2018 Rosana M.C. Nechar, Antonio Nechar Jr

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ISSN: 2175-3105